Thursday, April 9, 2009

So little time...

When did life get so hectic? It feels like no matter how early I wake up, I just won't be able to get through my list of things to do, on any given Sunday or any other day of the week. It's getting to the point where I have to make a concerted effort to spend time with my friends. A brief conversation with them, whether it be via telephone, email or text, is followed by plugging our plans into my iPhone calendar, a follow up email and the transaction is almost sealed. They are equally as, if not more, busy, and so it may take a few texts back and forth--who has time for an actual conversation--to fine tune the details. There are days that are so jam packed that actually going to bed at a reasonable hour seems an unrealistic luxury.

At the end of one day in particular, I remember only being able to check off three of the ten things on my to-do list. I can't help but wonder if I've just gotten slower? Is this a natural part of the aging process or is time really flying by faster, like the final grains of sand in an hour glass?

A recent report confirms that life is moving faster and that the pressures of a world moving at such a rapid pace is causing thousands of our genes to respond. While it was once thought that human evolution stopped a long time ago, scientists are now saying that today we are evolving 100 times faster. They say that an entirely new human species could possibly be the result of this rapidly-paced world--a species so different, they will not be able to breed with homo sapiens. Wow! If there's going to be a newer, more improved model of me one day, I may as well slooooooooow down and enjoy the view!

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