Wednesday, May 27, 2009


If we're really observant, we can learn lessons and get answers from places and things that in a hectic world may seem unlikely.  But it may require some unconventional thinking.  

Many have learned to tap into shrinks, friends and family, Dr. Phil or Oprah for advice. Who am I to knock these self-help avenues if it resolves your situation?  As for me, I am personally going through a metamorphosis of sorts, just like the rest of the country and world right now.  I needed to reach a little deeper to maintain my sanity and peace. Recently I gained some unexpected insight from doing nothing at all, except observing nature from a well-placed seat in my mother's backyard.  

I wondered why my mother felt it necessary to cut branches from the bottom of a pear tree in her garden.  I found out that when a tree is quite young and the trunk hasn't yet developed into a huggable width, suckers are often generated at the bottom.  These suckers are low branches that sap the energy from the tree's growth.  An educated gardener knows to cut them off in order to allow the tree to grow upward instead of outward. 

In life, we all have suckers, whether it be too much television watching, excess weight that causes health problems, procrastination and yes people can be suckers too.  Is it time to get to cutting?
